• Names: AA / Allen / Angry Al / Fury • Sign: Sagittarius ♐ • Parametr: kind; stubborn; forceful; rude; aggressive; tsundere; tactical •...

Adults are Monsters
"This dream again.. Where am I? My body, it's small. My voice.. I look like a little child- I.. I am a child! What is- what is going...
"Can't you see, can't you see how caged I am? Can't you see how much I don't want to feel this?!" He approached me slowly, his expression...
Silence, profound silence. No single sound, no single liquid drip, no single breaths, no heartbeat. It was getting eerie ambience. Soon,...

Looping Dream
What a strange dream. The breeze was soft on my pale skin. I had my short hair tight up into a little bun, that was covered by rag on top...
Aluminum He's me. My inner me. Myself from within. The other me. His name is Allen. He belives that his name meant harmony and noble....
New Guide
"My, my.. I suppose you're not the Adam I was told about. Wait, you're not even Alice.. your mother is? What a surprise, is that right?...
Quote 24#
Aluminum: Everybody please get a grip. Aluminum: There are no such things as ghosts! Mindgang: Aluminum: Aluminum: It's behind me isn't...
Quote 19#
Andy: Mia lost weight. Aluminum: Lost weight were did she lose it at? Andy: She has lost a quarter of a pound. Mia: (ಠ_ಠ) Aluminum: Go...
Four Puppeteers
My mind is parted into four pieces. Each piece is existing on it's own.. They own different personalities, names, stories and meanings....