Not So Empty House (Part 6)
I'm uncomfortable, I struggle - trying to avoid his penetrating stare. My faded blue eyes widen, my heart jumps, I start to get scared....
NSEH - Life Forms
Once upon a time, Being so great and powerful created one certain universe similar to of yours. This being was called an Oracle, a god...

Not So Empty House (Part 5)
I look around, feeling the flushing coming up my neck and through my throat right inside my poppy-like head. My fingers nervously shook...
Not So Empty House (Part 4)
I couldn't get rid of that haunting memory. It wouldn't let me sleep, focus nor work with my body properly. Just when I woke up in a cold...
A memory scrap 3#
Aster: What's with that attitude of yours?! I haven't taught you- Omori: I don't want to wait any longer!! You saw what I'm capable of!!...
Not So Empty House (Part 3) no... It can't be, it can't be my finish yet- It can NOT! The presence, so tremendous and unbearable, dreadful...
A memory scrap 2#
Tsumuri: Is it artificial? Marnie: Of course it is. Tsumuri: Must've been expensive.. Marnie: Very.... I'm Marnie. Tsumuri: Ebi. Marnie:...
Quote 62#
Hansel: It's a little know fact that 42% of deaths in Limbo are caused by accidents at home. Omori: So were you.
Quote 61#
Hashasky: If you’ve got any questions, just ask. Hiroto: If a bear and a shark had a fight, who would win? Omori: .... Hashasky: - If...
Quote 60#
Nao: Nix, I’m sorry! Nix: I’m starting to think “Nix, I’m sorry” is my actual name, considering how often you say it to me.