Quote 55#
Tsukami: i'm seriously considering getting a second robotic arm Shreyan: why? i thought you liked the sword- Tsukami: ARM CANNONS
Nix-dono. A famous mercenary with owning of 15 weapons and 2 legendary ones. Assassin and the hammer of Everdusk city, Kyoku's-sama loyal...

The pills 1# - [Random chat]
[HER FEAR] [2201] = Axohashi Hazad Shinju [1406] = Hibuki Hakasawa [1406]: HAZAD! Why did you sent the supplements! You said they're...
The pills 0.5# - [Random chat]
[THE PILLS] [2201] = Axohashi Hazad Shinju [2512] = James Isaac Eclair [0203] = Nave Sonoda [2201]: The delivery was served! I've...
Quote 54#
Past Vincent: Who are you? Vincent: I'm you but cooler Past Vincent: Nah, you're trash Vincent: Shut up asshole!
Quote 53#
Anten: Mind if I show you a trick? Hashasky: Last time you showed me a trick it took two weeks to grow my eyebrows back.
Quote 52#
Nambra: Are you guys going to the Halloween festival? Para: October's pretty much over though- Nambra: It doesn't matter, It'll be fun!...
Quote 51#
Kaike: There are three ways to argue. Kaike: Words. Kaike: Proof. Kaike: Gun.
Quote 50#
Tsumuri: *wheezing* Wow I’m EXHAUSTED..! Tsukami: All you did was climb two steps.
Quote 49#
James: I think I would make to be a great leader of Nessus.. Radi: I disagree. You can't even properly lead your own needs- James: What...