Quote 2#
Kessie: Excuse me? I lost my friend Licorice. Can I make an announcement? Store clerk: Of course. Kessie: *leans into the mic* Kessie:...
Fickle Fate
“Fate is always fickle, that’s what makes it so interesting” Struggle. That struggle. Worms wriggling within skulls, feeding of little...

Kaike's entries 1#
[Entry 44] Tonba. I knew there was something more to her. And eventually, I was right. Tonba's true self is the Star Princess. Her...

Bar incident
"Fuc-!" Norden fell on the ground. Strong punch of a demon fist threw his slightly drunk and dizzy body from the chair right on the floor...

It's a very stormy day outside. Rain is shooting soft pair faces hidding underneath their umbrellas. Everything is grayish and dark....

King's fear
". . . ." It was was about nine o'clock in the evening. The sky was already black and white sparkling stars were the only companions to...

Maids and labs
"Grr! Fuck! Why is this not working?!!" Tsumuri clashed his fist into his own experiment.. "I sacrificed my whole fucking life for this...

White Tiger
"Leave me where I am..." He woke up lying on a cold ground, his feet were frozen.. So pale. He could see himelf in the mirror like ice...