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Quotes 101#

  • [Nice Boys]

Valshen: No running ya piece of shit!

Ogriz: I’ll run as much as I want to! *trips over Suzgal’s tent*

Suzgal: Help! I’m under attack by a thot!

  • [Demons & Gods - 3rd Gen]

​​Calder: At my funeral there is going to be a closed casket and then it will be opened to reveal that I am not inside. Instead, they will turn on the ceiling fan and my lifeless body will swing around the room while the Space Jam theme song is playing in the background.

Calder: …Nevermind, Azeban says I can’t do that.

  • [Demons & Gods - 1st Gen]

Kyoku: Fuck the goddess

Libreto: I’d kill you but you’re scary

  • [Demons & Gods - 3rd Gen]

Lan: Hey, lets do ‘get help’ Calder: What? Lan: ‘get help’ Calder: No Lan: Come on, Cald, you love it! Calder: I hate it! Lan: it’s great. It works every time Calder: it’s humiliating Lan: You got a better plan? Calder: …no Lan: we’re doing it Calder: we’re not do- wha? *Lan runs towards two guards carrying Calder over his shoulder* Lan: GET HELP!!! MY BROTHER IS DYING!!!

  • [Nice Boys]

Ulgod: Algroth, we’re a team, aren’t we? Ride or die, right? Algroth: Of course. I’d totally ride you. Ulgod: What? Algroth: What?

  • [Demons & Gods - 2nd Gen]

Axohashi: Something has brought you here today, Miss Hakasawa.


  • [Nice Boys]

Bultha: What's the opposite of me?

Ogriz: Smart.

  • [Demons & Gods - 3rd Gen]

I love you… despite the warning signs.

Mary to Maximillian

  • [Demons & Gods - 3rd Gen]

Looking for trouble. If I can’t find any, I will create it.


  • [Demons & Gods - 1st Gen]

Licorice in Aster's house: What's wrong with you?! Everytime I come in this place, there's no food in the fridge! Have you heard of grocery shopping-

Aster: Stop coming into my goddamn house!

  • [Demons & Gods - 1st Gen]

Kihekiyo: *heads for the door*

Miyamoto: It’s really muggy out.

Kihekiyo: I swear to Frevel, if all of our mugs are on the lawn, I will bodily harm you.

Miyamoto: No, not at all! I’ve been sitting here drinking tea this whole time.

Kihekiyo: *leaves*

Miyamoto: ….

Miyamoto: *sips tea from a soup bowl*

  • [Demons & Gods - 3rd Gen]

Hekan: But who can I trust?

Buro: Yourself.


Hekan: No.

  • [Demons & Gods - 3rd Gen]

Maximillian: I want to fucking die.

Calder (Who suddenly appeared out of no-where): Same.

  • [Nice Boys]

Ulgod: Hey Set, your house is on fire.

Set: Let it burn.

Ulgod: Y-Your house is on fire-


  • [Nice Boys]

Kylrelle: How are you?

Set: I’m fine.

Narrator: Things were not fine.

  • [Demons & Gods - 3rd Gen]

Mirage: *breathes*

Kantoku: Why is she doing that?

Peyin: Doing what?

Kantoku: Look at her, breathing and shit.

  • [Demons & Gods - 3rd Gen]

Fergas: I’m going to Taco Bell, do you need anything?

Maximillian: I want to die…

Fergas: …Yeah, I only got 12 bucks…

  • [Demons & Gods - 3rd Gen]

Kantoku: Your hair growed like a weed

Yuxing: Your hair looks like a weed

  • [Demons & Gods - 1st Gen]

Tsumuri: Let’s say one thing about ourselves.

Vincent: I’m gonna go first. I… hate you.

  • [Nice Boys]

Ulgod: I’m as straight as the earth’s equator

Ogriz: But the Earth is round lmao

[both silence]

Ulgod: …..I hate you

  • [Nice Boys]

Suzgal: Agent Brawler, this is Agent Perfection, do you copy?

Algroth: Yeah, yeah, you got me.

Suzgal: And Agent Bitchbaby, do you copy?

Set: Agent what?!

Suzgal: ….Agent Bitchbaby.

  • [Demons & Gods - 3rd Gen]

Peyin: Flipping heck!

Maximillian: Did you say ‘flipping egg’?

Lilith: He said ‘flipping heck’.

Peyin: Flipping heck, indeed!

Enkidu: Watch your fucking mouth

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