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Quotes 96#

Hashasky: I’ll be gone for this weekend for a meeting. Try not to destroy the prison this time.

Axohashi: Sucked the prison into a parallel dimension ONE TIME! And you still can’t let it go, can you?

“I gotta say, I’m very impressed with you. You didn’t let me down nearly half as much as I thought you would.”

—Hibuki to Saburo

Kosachi: This is the worst day ever. Kari: Is it because your daughter and wife were betrayed by somebody you thought was a friend, resulting in their murder? Kosachi: No, it's because it's a little humid- YES IT'S BECAUSE MY DAUGHTER AND WIFE WERE BETRAYED BY SOMEBODY WE THOUGHT WAS A FRIEND, RESULTING IN THEIR MURDER!

Cherril: Y'know what beats meeting your favorite streamer in real life​?

Akito: ..what? Cherril: Committing your entire being to embarrassing yourself in front of them for maximum attention. Akito: No, that's how you get a restraining order.

Olivia: Yue, if you could spare a minute, I’d like a possible opinion on something

Yue: Well then, you’ve come to the right person

Olivia: I haven’t told you what the something is, you might not have an opinion

Yue: I always have an opinion

Mirage: Guys, dinner is ready!

Everyone: Thank God! Mirage: I cooked! Calder: I'm not hungry.. Fergas: I ate before- Buro: I don't eat land food. Valentine: My cat died Peyin: I'm gay. Enkidu: I have to go- Lilith: I don't have one arm. Yuxing: I drank too much tea. Hekan: I have to go do science.. Aisha: I've already died once. Kantoku: I have to go find my coat. Balde: I've gotta go clean my weapons.

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