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Shenanigans 1#

Basically, random quotes put into a much bigger random post! :D Enjoy~


[Chalssag :: Velace and Ciric in not so positive situation]

Velace: We're gonna die! Ciric: Think positive! Velace: WE'RE GONNA DIE QUICKLY

[Chalssag :: Saffer isn't that sassy]

Sometimes I think I’m sassy and then I realize I’m just too sarcastic and borderline mean — Saffer Fratzke

[Chalssag :: Everything you need to know about Haji]

He had a violent, uncontrolled temper, which sent him literally insane when he was annoyed, but he was good looking. — Haji’s role description

[Chalssag :: Caramella and Dainichi, she likes glitter]

Caramella: Why are you covered in glitter? Dainichi: Why aren't YOU covered in glitter???

[Chalssag :: Haji is full of anger]

My friend likes to tell me “you have to pick your battles” well I'm full of rage and I'm picking all of them — Haji Yukinaga

[Chalssag :: Ciric is antisocial too]

Whenever somebody says like ‘So what did you do today?’ I just look off into the distance and say 'The right thing’ — Ciric Ziph

[Chalssag :: Bailey has something against Velace tbh]

Velace: Oh please, you wouldn’t hurt a fly! Bailey: You’re right! Because a fly is an innocent creature that never knowingly did anything to anybody. You, however, I would maim.

[Chalssag :: The gang's wonderful nicknames, except of Ciric's]

[before a meeting with the city officials of any town] Caramella: Okay, all those straight members of these towns are gonna assume we're one of them so we'll be like gay secret agents. Iole: Lesbionage. Haji: Bi spy. Saffer: It's an ace case. Dainichi: Pan with a plan. Ciric: ... Ciric: Secret gaygent.

[NSEH - Allens :: DA and GA interrupting AA]

AA: *muttering to himself* Why doesn't this work DA: Well about the cod- AA: No, no, no no, I wasn't asking you, first of all GA: *teleports in* I'd like to hear the answer *grins* DA: wELL, there's the- AA: *mouthing* I'll kill you

[NSEH - Allens :: GA hates science jokes made by AA]

AA: Hey Alrick, what did the chemist say to the other chemist. GA: what. AA: NaBrO GA: *shoots AA* HA

[NSEH - Allens :: MS's anger issues, LS and GA relationship contemplation]

LS: So… what’s it like hanging out with MS? GA: Once I asked her for a water while she was pissed at me and she brought me a glass full of ice and said “wait.”

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