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Basically, Blitz

So uh, it's heavy fantasy stuff, (inspired from one MMORPG online game called Dungeon Blitz when I was really young and didn't have my own pc yet so I always sneaked on dad's and played it there. It's cliché af but I still love it cause why not?)


It takes place in a classic fantasy medieval universe, the main story is mainly from Norden's perspective. Once upon a time, there was a realm called Kingdom of Elyria, which was ruled by a big royal family - The Hocke genus. It was but suddenly overtook by goblins and other evil creatures which were sent by Nephit in order to take over the world for fifteen years. Well, that is until our main three heroes show up to save the day.

Elyria is filled with much smaller regions such as:

(I know it's ELLYRIA but I like ELYRIA better)

• Wolf's End The starting zone, it has coast, is really foresty and has an old village there. Norden crashed his ship and debarked in Wolf's End when he was escaping the Castle Hocke, but he was caught in a storm with a sea monster so instead of leaving the kingdom completely, he started his long journey through another yet worse torment.

• Black Rose Mire Dark, muddy but mainly very dangerous zone filled with aggressive lizards and carnivorous plants. The next story station within a little lost village that has been burnt down to ashes in the past already, its population is terribly decreasing, it's also a zone where Zet spent most of his childhood with his master.

• Felbridge It's a lovely happy village that preserves itself among the terror storming outside it. It bears a lots of secrets, such as an evil witch that no one knew about was in contact with Nephit's dark magic, an underground crypts and other stuff that is later on taken care of. Bandits were often attacking the town from its nearby forests. It's not a safe place when not within the crowds.

• Cemetery Hills Cemetery on a hill. Filled with wolf like creatures called gnoles, skeletons, ghosts and other horrofying ghouls.. It is a restless place now, the dead are rising, nothing is as it should, people refuse to visit this place, though it needs be looked after, it's still a sacred place of the dead. There used to be a little part of a Felbridge population living there, they don't anymore.

• Stormshard Mountains Next zone above Felbridge. High rocky mountains known for its past high executive services, mining, blacksmithing and joinery. Until it was discovered that underneath the mountains, powers of malefice live there. Goblins, living stones, warlocks and other beings. In the top mountains, gnoles, dragons, lions and griffins took over the peaks.

• Emerald Glades Used to be a huge peaceful forest full of life and wonders, but it burnt down, the creatures and beings that lived there died, were brainwashed or forced to backup. Some of the still bravely protect an old ancient tree before fire breathing reptiles and deranged servants of Nephit.

• Castle Hocke Norden's righteous birthplace. But since his family is gone and he might be the only survivor of the Nephit's dreadful arrival. That's where we get to Norden escaping in his ship. Though, as the forces of evil take control over the castle - A portal is created underneath the castle within a broken part of the ground, it takes the champions to:

The sleeping Lands (Illusion, I suppose)

• Shazari Desert Hot ruthless desert with pyramids and lots and lots of tombs. Strangely enough, you can find friendly goblins there too, it seems this used to be their realm, but after Nephit opened the portal and let the creatures into Elyria, everything turned out wrong. Inside the pyramids, mechanical and alien like life can be found there. It's very dangerous.

• Valhaven Asian - Japanese/Chinese looking realm standing on a water calmly floating ship enchanting with it's everwhelming beauty of foreign scenery. A place where Chow comes from and where they meet her. Festivals and royal celebrations are very common there, this part of The Sleeping Lands is deeply linked with the Hocke genus.

Dread Kingdom of Elyria / Ruins of Elyria

• All regions but in its true form after leaving The Sleeping Lands and with stronger enemies, also where Zet finally becomes a lycanthrope. They have to save the world all over again, but with much worse circumstances. A realm where Zet gets together with Adrianna.

Classes and Disciplines

There are three classes:

• Paladin

"Stalwart and righteous are these champions. Paladins are frontline warriors built for taking heavy blows and dealing damage in close quarters. These sword-and-board daredevils can also heal themselves and other heroes."

• Rogue

"With guile and blades, Rogues can bring down the largest foes. These agil heroes operate under cloak-and-dagger. They can travel past harm unseen, ambush from the shadows, and disable their enemies."

• Mage (Not witches or sorceres, they're bad, Zet knows it himself)

"Mages shape the powers of magic to their own ends. These adventurers can bend the elements into projectiles, summon monsters to their bidding, and ensnare with magic those foes they don't choose to burn to ashes."

Three disciplines for each:


• Sentinel - Chivalric Prowess

Blessed by the Storm Gods, you draw enemy wrath upon your imregnable form and focus the tempest until you become the Lightning Guardian and smite all who stand before you.

• Justicar - Sacred Castigations

With righteous fury from the Flame of Justice coursing through your body, you leap into the fray, a blaze of attacks swirling through the enemy ranks.

• Templar - Theurgical Devotions

Infused with the Numinous Essence, you shine a searing, sacred light into the darkest places, healing the worthy and inflicting blinding agony upon the wicked.



• Viperblade - Ambush & Onslaught

You have forsaken all safety for the Pure Death; you know the perfect strike, the incurable venom, the hidden cut that dooms your chosen foe to certain annihilation.

• Shadowstalker - From the Shadows

You have sacrificed yourself to the Shadow Court, becoming a deadly trickster who strikes from afar, appears everywhere at once, and terrorizes enemies from the darkness.

• Soulthief - The Dark Arts

You have mastered the heresies of the Codex Carnifex; you know that true pain comes with the death of the soul and that true victory takes a foe's life force as your dark reward.



• Flameseer - Infernal Circle

Touched by an Essence of Fire, you throw caution to the wind with every explosive inferno you unleash upon the enemy, incinerating all but leaving you vulnerable among the ashes.

• Frostbringer - Winter Order

Channelling the Eternal Winter, your icy conjurations keep the enemy hordes at bay and protect you from harm while frozen doom descends upon all who oppose you.

• Necromancer - Accursed Coven

Tainted by the Curse of Undeath, you fear no foe, raising armies of hungry ghouls to feast upon your raising unfortunate enemies, your own power and immortal essence grows with every victim they claim.


I dunno, I might add something in the future because I am very lazy person! ;u;

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