[🞀🞀/🞂🞂] Bio - The Collector

The Collector
• Appearance: He wears a luxury black suit with dark grey chemise and tie under. Black pants with belt and seemingly black glossy shoes. His skin is pale and livid. His eyes are of obscure color with tired circles under them. His hair style is cut short and tidy groomed. Fun fact: The Appearance of The Collector differs from person to person (Such as "Spectral abomination"). Some may see him differently, but his major look to the puppeteer is this businessy gentleman.
• Forms: Spectral abomination (Only in the mission fail ending) A presentation of himself, tall dark humanoid creature with big deformed beak like head, absurdly long clawed fingers, bony bird wings coming out of his back and a crow feathery tail dragging itself on the ground. • Personality: The main protagonist. He is a blunt yet straightforward and concentrated figure, focused completely on his mission, and shows little to no emotion throughout the adventure. As much as he cares about completing the task, he carelessly fights his way through no matter what. His solemn mission is the top priority and lacks a trait of possible consequences that might not be pleasant by his doing as his ignorance is putting the world at huge risk.

