[A-NSEH] Main Protagonists
(Ζ) Asher FOSTER (Allen FOSTER ) >>
Cheif factor at Zeta
39 y.o
30.12 2065
Human Puppet -> Shapeshifter
Not only he runs the whole place but he joins on the BC and WAU research
After the Zeta evacuation he stays with Catherine Vinterbre at Zeta and continues his experiments with BC
He dies because of the ferrofluids and heavy mutation
Foster Asher used to work underground before deciding to move underwater and take care of Zeta
In his past, he was considered as one of the smartest people in the world, this gave him enough options bellow the surface of the ocean. Unlike his parents, who were forced to stay on the Earth until the very end of everything.
Holds a grudge
(Θ) Bethany REAM (Bream aka Beatha REAM ) >>
Theta Payload Manager
37 y.o
29.6 2067
Human Guardian
The one who tried warning site Theta before the terrible Foster attack by sending pictures of the horror that has occurred at Zeta. It arrived, but too late.
Has been to every site within the LABIAL-III, except site Sita obviously.
Former worker of PATHOS-II, Delta station
Rarely, just like Catherine Vinterbre, she saved some of the memory fragments from her life to the future
She and the rest of the survivors made it to Phi and to the Omega space gun, in other words, ARK.
(Θ) Cerise GRZECH (Cherril GRZECH) >>
Theta Dispatcher
26 y.o
18.12 2078
Human Puppet - Krampus later on
Ewan's right hand and Audrey's blood relative, possibly a close cousin
Had a girlfriend at Theta, Memoriam. She died under strange circumstances, he knew it was Asher.
Luckily, he has survived the gruesome events at Theta and successfully escaped to Omicron where all of his problems start to gradate into a madness.
Becomes corrupted by the WAU and turns into a creature called Krampus
Insane, he kills Dominic Hochheim and stabs Anna Noor at the Omicron entrance. He finds a way inside and stalks his colleagues through the facility until he's finally lost to the insanity of silence and is left roaming the Omicron alone.
Theta SG and WAU researcher / Medical Doctor
35 y.o
2.2 2069
Human Puppeteer
A close cousin to Cerise, almost cosidered siblings, though their surnames are different
The first one to die after Foster Asher is brought aboard the Theta station. She's found by Masami Ewan with her skull bashed in and SG taking over her dead corpse
Tried to find a cure how to fix the BC after Foster was brought in, she created it, but doubted Foster would ever wake up from his coma.
She formerly served on site Sita, the main core of WAU of LABIAL-III. High rank scientist forbidden to tell anyone about what was the site working on. Top secret stuff.
(Θ) Ewan MASAMI (Andy MASAMI) >>
Cheif factor at Theta
40 y.o
6.9 2064
Less liked among his staff and crews but he has awoke the respect by his critique and strictness, making him quite the right leader and good at what he's doing
Was killed (ripped into pieces) by Foster Asher over at Theta the first day after Audrey was found dead in her office. Foster has creeped from behind the two and killed Ewan the similar way he did the woman.
Came all the way from Carthage located within the VETERUM-VIII in the Pacific Ocean. He's clearly an asian and his surname only seals the idea.
Visited the web of underground stations once, it wasn't much better than being underwater. He and his past crew at VETERUM-VIII have seen the surface of the planet Earth after the comet collided with an advanced device. Descirbing it the ocean being incredibly dark and the flames swishing up in the skies, everything being dead. A doomsday.
(Θ) Kamil ASTROPHEL (Camille ASTROPHEL) >>
Theta Field Technician
37 y.o
12.3 2067
Was brought from Lambda to Theta thanks to a given promotion by his former site boss, Lambda wasn't the right place for such talented mechanic
Bled out and died over at the Zeta station when Foster Asher went on a crazy rampage, injuring Kamil and Bethany. They locked themselves in one of the control rooms and tried contacting Theta, Foster busted it before the could warn anyone. Bethany survived and had to leave Kamil where he was.
The only zeppelin technician among the Theta staff, no one seems to understand the mechanism of the thing better than him
Hotheaded, he had problems with protecting his place over at Theta because of his rough behavior. Ewan didn't like him being rude and obscene, eventually, they got along better.
(Ζ) Kyle OSTIN (Argi OSTIN) >>
Zeta Wrangler / Overseer
38 y.o
28.3 2066
Human Guardian
Had a heroic moment in front of the Phi station entrance where he and the crew was ambushed by a huge BC creature called the Leviathan. He sacrificed himself for the surviving crew and mainly protecting Noor Anna, his long time partner.
Was forced to kill Hitoyi Inseku, a former member of the Zeta crew when leaving the Tau site and making their way to Phi. He shot him with a force field gun when Hitoyi attacked and tackled him, he made Hitoyi's suit leak and the pressure destroyed the man.
Was in a love relation shit with Anna Noor
Wasn't in a good relationship with Foster Asher. Kyle has known that his cheif was far too off at times with his thinking and consciousness.
(Ζ) Inseku HITOYI (Inseki HITOYI) >>
Zeta Mechatronics Engineer
35 y.o
28.5 2069
Became one of the dreaded proxies of the BC being injected into him by Foster Asher once, it was a 'misunderstanding' when the crew was evacuated from Zeta to Theta. (so called, Deep sea diver monster)
Was killed by Ostin Kyle in order to protect the remaining crew within the Tau station
He used to be a good friend of the Theta staff (had a thing for Audrey)
Tried to kill himself after he and the crew escaped into the Omicron station by jumping into an abyss
(Ζ) Heather QUERENCE (Melba QUERENCE) >>
Zeta Medical Professional
36 y.o
10.10 2068
Got from Zeta to Theta, from Theta to Omicron, then into Tau and made it till the end
She registered the first signs of Foster's Asher's strange behaviour
Was the one who contacted Theta about moving out from the Zeta station
(Ζ) Anna NOOR (Amets NOOR) >>
Zeta Geotechnical Engineer
36 y.o
16.7 2068
Human Puppet
Was in a love relationship with Ostin Kyle
She was one of the youngest members of Foster's Zeta crew
She almost died by being stabbed many times by obviously mad Grzech Cerise at the entrance to Omicron
She and few other members survived it until the very end and got to Phi
(Ο) Amélie ATO (Dorothy ATO) >>
Omicron Security Operative
39 y.o
11.12 2065
Moved to Omicron due to her new promotion
Amélie was killed (quite literally consumed alive) by the bio corruption.
Her true alien name was Kezia Papilio
Almost caused Noor's Anna's death by not letting her inside the Omicron station
(Θ) Phillip KONRAD (Laura KONRAD) >>

Theta Software Coordinator
35 y.o
19.4 2069
Human Puppet
His brain-scan gets implanted into a robot construct
Becomes an enemy encountered within the final story
He boiled his brain into a pulp by a maser (suicide)
Was a potential love interest of Querence Heather