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A memory scrap 6#

Takama: "So here it is. There's this girl I like, and I wanna know what you think is the best way for me to declare my love for her. Oh! And it isn't you, so no worry about that." "Well? How am I supposed to know if you don't say anything!"

Tenki: "Why don't you start off by telling me your name first?"

Takama: "Oh me? Well not until up too long ago, I was known all round by the name Takama Hayato, I've been thinking a lot lately about ditching that name but I don't have the right replacement picked out yet. If I had to say, I guess I'm the Rail Tracer! What about you?"

Tenki: "My name is Tenki."

Takama: "Tenki! Tell me, Tenki, how do I tell this girl that I love her?"

Tenki: "I don't think I'm exactly what you call a normal girl, so I don't know if I can offer you any good advice.."

Takama: "Oh I wouldn't worry about that! *nom nom* This girl is even less normal than you are, Tenki. If you confab on that point."

Tenki: "Well first- you really need to do something about how incredibly insensitive you are.."

Takama: "Wat."

Tenki: "So, is this girl you like an acquaintance of yours?"

Takama: "Kinda, I met her for the first time abort the train the other day, it was sorta hectic at the time, so we had to split up, but I found the note she left for me."

Tenki: "I don't know. I don't have any advice but it seems hopeful enough."

Takama: "Yeaaa-I'm not so sure. I can't figure out if she wants to meet up so she can kill me or if it's because she actually likes me. It's driving me a little crazy, you know? And for the sake of argument, let's say she is trying to kill me. I don't necessarily think that necessarily means she isn't in love with me!"

Tenki: "*Sips* You don't necessarily think?"

Takama: "Look, maybe she loves me so much she wants to kill me. Or maybe it's the one where she really does love me but has to kill me for the sake of something even more important, ya know?" *NOM* "Now put that aside, kay, to be honest, I've fallen in love with plenty of girls before. Proposed to them, been turn down and got out looking for a next girl right away without as much as a thought to the past. But the note she left, the way she was fighting to the death in that white suit! Awgh, her expressionless face never saying a word. I just keep falling more in love with her everytime I remember it. *GASP* I think that could be it! The moment when I first told her that I would help her! As I think back on it, and I don't think it was sympathy but more like some sort of faithful love at first sight." "Well! I'm certain I'll be successful! Maybe it'll take some time, but I'm sure it'll work out! If she says she doesn't even think about me in the slightest, I'll make her fall madly in love with me. Even if it takes years to do it!"

Tenki: "Have you been able to locate this girl yet?"

Takama: "Ye." "In fact, I know exactly where she is~"

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