BIO: Andy Masami

Name: Andy (Osmium) Masami / 真己 (Truth, Snake)
Age: Doesn't age (age of 7 in his younger form - around 24 years when older)
Gender: Male ♂
Species: Pacific Observer
Hair color: Pitch Black
Eye color: Amethyst (purple)
Powers/abilities/styles/gifts: As an Observer, he was born with several different powers. Pacific Observers don't age and their various talents count around three or four. Andy possesses the ability of no aging, mind control and taking two different forms: Transforming into his child form and young adult form. Besides all of that though, Observers can not feel pain. Whether it's mental or physical pain, if you see sad or hurt Pacific, they're obviously faking it. Andy but, has learnt how to at least pretend good, many life forms mistake him for an Alien or Guardian.
Weapon(s): Andy wouldn't hurt a fly as he's known to be calm and silent. But when it comes to self defense or defense of others, his speciality are reflection projections of all kinds, shapes and substance matters. Most of them resemble symmetric glassy reflections, cracks in the space and spatial techniques surrounding the control over medium telekinesis. Andy refuses to fight with any weapon let alone a gun.
Birth town: Unknown [Somewhere beyond space and time]
Previous towns: Cor (Hammela), Shinen (Ketsuyo), Ruben (Upper Shefla), Norune (Down Shefla)
Current town: Norune (Down Shefla)
Birth allegiance: NONE
Previous allegiances: The Government
Current allegiance: NONE
History: Andy as any other Observer, just descended among the life forms without any of hows and whys. Being just an entity that watches the crowd flow, or at least, that was what the society thought when he was first seen appear out of the blue. One captive eastern family took Andy inside and treated him as their own son. He was but an Observer and he hasn't age a year since he was given home. Thus he witnessed many of his loved ones die, inlcuding his foster parents. He took over the place and stayed in Cor. Andy decided to live a life of an ordinary life forms, study and have a job. Whoever assigned him this immortal quest of life, has vanished within Andy's mind long time ago as he found himself a job of an artist. Talented artist, a teacher. He became wanted among many life forms for decades, he never aged and remained young and fit. He continued drawing and painting pictures of his town for many years until having this thought, "maybe I should travel and discover new places?" Inspirations were his goal. He moved from the main city of Hammela where he lived over the ocean to western regions such as Ketsuyo, Upper Shefla and in the end- he has settled in Down Shefla where he eventually stayed for closer study of the colder environment. He has learnt many languages and right now, he's able to fluently speak in 11 different languages. The only problem was that he needed a shelter and the city of Norune isn't the best one in DS of having low prices in accommodations. Andy has but discovered a free living in one old yet newly reconstructed house used as university dorm in the past. The owner, Allen Oscen and one roomer Beta Ream welcomed him with opened arms, Andy couldn't decline since it looked solid and it was strangely free. He joined the family and continued in his work, it seemed that this new surroundings helped him out quite a lot, he met new life forms and later in the story, he gets into romantic relationship with a Creative type Alien named Kezia. They open themselves a big gallery with their art only, harvesting all the positive remarks. Though, all goods needs to end one day..
Weaknesses: Emotions, feeling no pain, his own art, his family
Original Family: NONE [Whatever creates Observers and sends them on the planet Earth]
Current Family: Beta (Bream) Ream (Guardian - Benevolent type) / Camille Astrophel (Comet - Assertive type) / Cherril Grzech (Puppet - Pure type) / Allen Oscen (Shapeshifter - Sophisticated type)
Partner: Kezia (Later on) ♥
• Cherril - Andy adores their art in such young age and even, being a Puppet with talent is quite rare in this world. They're really close friends, sworn to protect one another, they're both big worrywarts, though Andy's overall criticism is something he should restrain due to its constant quarrel starts. After all, Cherril also a very carefree and reckless person, that can make Andy annoyed enough to cause a drama.
• Bream - At first, he thought she was absolutely flawless. He knows what type of person she is, housy, maid-like, the one who cares and protects everyone. All is true, but one thing he can not stand about her is her nosy picking nature. Her exaggerated curiosity is something he's not used to and his cynical self leads to more fights. On the other hand, Bream is the main core that keeps the family warm and running, like a mother to each, he likes her a lot.
• Allen - When Andy met Allen for the first time, he immediately recognized being in touch with a Shapeshifter. It made him very uneasy and uncomfortable, they would fight all day and night before others getting them to apologize to each other. Right now? They're pals. But there's still some kind of rivalry going on, not to mention that he still feels insecure about Allen when being alone with him.
• Camille - His first impression of her was: "Too loud". For some reason, he couldn't get himself to hang around Camille, as he has also noticed that she's developed a big crush on him. His child became his more used form since he started to like being blindly adored by Camille, but whenever it gets over his head, he chases her away with his older form. It doesn't help. He has just found himself an immortal fangirl. But still, the fact that she's a soldier is fascinating him, he respects her and her skills.
Likes: (Food) Sweets, dairy products, all kinds cheeses, mozzarella cheese, flavored milk, strawberry icecream. (Colors) Black and white, purple and gray. (Clothes) Hipster style, jackets of good quality, hoodies, animal fur, lose shirts, very long scarves. (Anything) Drawing nature and animals, Space and other Alien cultures, philosophizing, signing autographs.
Dislikes: (Food) Every kind of meat, mushrooms, junk food, cheap sushi. (Colors) He adores every color but orange and yellow. (Clothes) Clothes with nude or naked parts on purpose. Shorts and hats (wearing). (Anything) Krampus demons, being home alone plus at night, hot sunny days, chlorine and public pools, insect.
Fears: The dark, snakes, Krampus species, clowns
Extra: • Actually, Andy is able to feel emotional pain only when being in his child form, he also says that he feels more human when younger. • He tends to mix words from all his mastered languages.
Voice sample: