BIO: Allen Oscen

Name: Allen (Aluminum) Oscen (Songbird)
Age: Unknown (In his middle 20s)
Gender: Male ♂
Species: Albino Shapeshifter
Hair color: White
Eye color: It's refered to him as white-eyed, but they're more grey rather than white. His iris turn white in occasions such as focusing and fighting. They can also turn bright red when in contact with big amount of blood.
Powers/abilities/styles/gifts: Born as a Shapeshifter, he was gifted with several abilities such as taking forms of selected animals and other life forms whos faces he remembers.
Chosen fauna: Songbirds, Mute swan, Waterfowl family Anatidae, Grizzly bear, Golden jackal, Red deer, Elk, Green anaconda, Saltwater crocodile, White lionfish . Allen has mastered animalia transforming of aves class. He's represented as a white dove.
Chosen species: Humans, Aliens, Comets (Every single person he's ever met. Except Observers, he can only copy their looks, not powers. Since Allen is capable of even copying powers of the other species.) He's very gifted when it comes to taking form of another person. His flawless transformations aren't the only thing he's good at. He can perfectly play the person's character as well.
Weapon(s): Young Allen obtained PSS Silent pistol from a random Shapeshifter in one of the biggest massacres secured by the Government. Not only Allen is capable of using pistols, he has mastered uzi combat together with FN SCAR thanks to Camille. In closer combat, he prefers his varieties of scalpels. When it comes to murder, he kills in animal and other humanoid transformations.
Birth town: Leech farm, the main seigniory - SF Area (Shapeshifter area) - Arca City - Ascaria (Country)
Previous towns: Arca (Ascaria), Damien (Phetenia), Tenunburg (Ätrien), Qulo (Vèskin), Tameru (Schūjo), Thamel (Central Hammela), Pamel (Upper Shefla), Norune (Down Shefla)
Current town: (own) University dorm house - Norune (Down Shefla)
Birth allegiance: The Government
Previous allegiances: Munstro Sensō
Current allegiance: NONE
History: (Leech farm, Arca city) Allen was born into unstable Shapeshifter family, Fosters. Two parents and an older brother. Parents fought and eventually divorced. His older brother 'Dreamer' was born with a terrible incurable disease, when Allen was 8 years old, his brother died. He lived with his father and stepmother since the event. His father was an excellent and very talented doctor, Allen was intrigued by his work, apparently it was because his father did illegal experiments on his patients, that worked for young naive Allen as a trigger to his future career of becoming a doctor as well. He studied needed subjects and achieved titles that helped him advance his ranking. He was very successful at his job, but behind innocent wish to help those in need, lied his monstrous intentions. His experiments were discovered and he was forced to flee. He is now wanted among the security forces, not to mention that he is a pure Shapeshifter who're being hunted down by the society in any way. Allen has fled to Damien in Phetenia where he lived few weeks before being forced to leave the country to another. Currently, Allen's prosecuted by the Government. He has visited countries of the east before having the opportunity to withdraw to the western countries. He has settled down in Norune in Down Shefla and renamed his surname from Foster to Oscen. It's not the best city, but it was the best thing he could ever do. He found himself an old dorm house and reconstructed it. His plans were to provide students a dorm, then he'd lure them inside and of course- continue in his experiments. The plan's start went just like he imagined, Bream was the first one to show up. He accepted her and welcomed her inside. Bream has shown him a warm bright side and her kindness changed Allen in many different ways. He couldn't get himself to kill her. He decided to change and stop his experiments forever then. The dorm was soon visited by Andy, Camille and Cherril. They've lived together for while now, though Allen's secrets live on. Even that he has promised to never hurt anyone, he only meant his friends, his new family. In early mornings, he used to go around the town killing for fun and coming back in the middle of the night, since his career was done, there was nothing else for him to do. Being a Shapeshifter was for him like a curse, yet he has met another Shapeshifter like him. Female named Sagitta, orphaned. They became friends and with little further steps, they started dating, clandestinely. Though, 'till this day, he hunts down whatever and whoever he wants, it's not for fun anymore though, he has realized that he needs to follow his father's footsteps whatever it takes.. His experiments have again, come to life.
Weaknesses: Puddings, His family, Sagitta, His species, blood.
Original Family: Acer Foster (Father) , AnandaFoster (Mother) , 'Dreamer' Foster (Older brother)
Current Family: Andy Masami (Observer - Neutral type) / Beta (Bream) Ream (Guardian - Benevolent type) / Camille Astrophel (Comet - Assertive type) / Cherril Grzech (Puppet - Pure type)
Partner: Sagitta (Secret) ♥
• Cherril - BFFs, literally.
• Bream - He always knew Bream had a crush on him. He had to reject her. Right now, they're friends sworn to life. Though, there are still some scraping and creaking between those two. Even if it seems like Allen's fault, he always thinks of his family in the first place.
• Andy - These two couldn't stand each other the first few days living in the house, Andy was insecure about living with an outlaw, but in the end, all the quarrels calmed down and right now they only support each other. Though, Allen isn't quite uncomfortable around him when alone. They're both weird, and no one knows what to expect from another.
• Camille - At first, he thought she'd be threat since she's a military mercenary. He was nicely surprised when she said that she doesn't give a damn about the Government's unknown source of hatred for Shapeshifters, instead, she's quite aroused by this species, they're interesting instead of dreadful. Allen is but much aware of Camille's worry when he loses himself.
Likes: (Food) Puddings, Tuna, Müsli crap, desserts and sweet food in general, blood. (Colors) Monochrome colors together with smooth pastels. (Clothes) Thick sweathers, turtlenecks, long coats and suits, soft jackets, slim or regular fit casual pants, scarves, top hats, gloves. (Anything) Nature, fauna, Eastern and Northen cultures, sea, icy mountains, drawing and painting.
Dislikes: (Food) Meaty food in general (Human form), caraway seeds, too spicy food, stewed vegetables. (Colors) Too bright neon colors, colors that doesn't fit their roles in the paintings. (Clothes) Tight upper and lower parts of his clothes. Clothes of bad colors. (Anything) Hot weathers and contries, The Government, being a Shapeshifter, Krampus species, children, arrogance and ignorance, naivity.
Fears: The Government, Himself, Small dark spaces, Big dark spaces, Falling, Nightmares, Spiders and other bugs, Krampus demons, Possession - craze
Extra: Is going to scatter his mind into three unique personalities and bodies. • AA (Aggressive Allen ) Physical strength • DA (Delusional Allen) Esper strength • GA (Greedy Allen) Psychical strength
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