DA notes: 1#
I keep drowning in my anxiety. I keep drowning in stress and my own idiotic paranoia. I keep having these terrible hallucinations! What should I do? I'm getting so hopeless, I feel my feet touching the bottom of this dark muddy waters I keep sinking in.. It covers me whole, it makes me feel nothing but uncomfortable, filthy and dirty- as it slowly crawls up, reaching it's little black tentacles after my skin. It wants me covered in this 'armor' so much! ? How do I get rid of this prison that slowly gets tighter and tighter, worse and worse, painful and painful... I'm such a crybaby, such a wimp. I do nothing but cry and cry and cry aND CRY! Crying for help! But no one can save me! The more I think about this, the more the feel of that thing growing inside me shows. I'm going to become it, I'm going to replace it. What horrible creature am I going to become..
Ah, ah, ah.. I can't breathe, how much further is it gonna spread, it's so far already. I'm so scared. I'm so scared.. Fearing my actions. Fearing myself. I can't look at myself. My hands.. they're fully covered with it. Such sharp dangerous claws, I could hurt someone with it real bad. My eye, it's so ugly, so repulsive, so bloodthirsty. I remember, when I was given these things. I remember when I was in a place that looked like a white room, it was empty, but it was warm. I felt weird, I was starting to feel uncomfortable and paranoid, more and more. And then I felt PAIN. Paralyzing pain that made me kneel, yell, scream.. throwing up big amounts of my own blood.. Noticing my hands and legs burning, they were slowly getting covered by that mud. My left eye, I couldn't see anything, it hurt as well.. I was curling, wriggling on the ground in agony. But, something was even more wrong. My head. My skull.. Something was growing from my skull, piercing through my skin and growing outside. "H-Horns?!!" They were getting bigger and bigger. This pain was hell. Pure hell, infernum, colors fleshing before my eyes. I was.. "Dying?" changing..
And then I woke up. Scared of the thing I saw in the mirror, until I saw it's fear.. and realized, that it was me.