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Jeremy Acker

Full name: Jeremy Acker

Father: Rayner Acker [US]

Mother: Haley Bake [US]

Role: Trainee - representative - psychologist (god host)

Age: Currently 44

Born: 10. 5. 1972 ♉

Blood type: B+

Subject code number: 261#

Trainee code number: *96#

Date of *96's registration: 15.7 1986

Trainee rank: A+

Subject rank: S

Level of danger: "Subject is mostly harmless, no need for danger warning'"

Hosting: Freedom (Powerfull god ruler, Key for seals)

*96's Life entry: Jeremy lived with his family in US -hode Island, Newport. Until in 1983, he and his family experienced deadly car crash and his both parents died in the burning vehicle. He moved to his uncle and aunt where he lived for 2 years. After few months of discussions, Jeremy was let in CFBW as a trainee and psychologist for subjects with mental disorders. He was given free flat in Boston where he lives until now.

SECONDARY INFORMATIONS: For a very young person, he joined the complex with big amount of knowledge. He was firstly used as simple trainee to look after subjects and learn from work of the higher doctors, but after few days, he was given title as a full promotion psychologist that helps subjects with mental disorder or subjects with bad mood. He created strong bonds between subjects 499# and 506#. Even though it seems that 499# does not like Dr. Acker, she's too overprotective and insecure about people making bonds with her, but, on the other hand, 506# created a perfect bond. Thanks to Acker's trustful and honest personality, he was put right next to 506# for closer studies. Dr. Jeremy Acker slowly climbs on top of the rankings. But there is still other side to him. On 9.4 1987, he agreed on self-experiment with 'D seal'. Pandora's box contained God of the freedom. Nothing strange seemed first, but one week after, there were few changes on Acker's body, such as:

+ Some of his slower and unimproved skills highly rised (For example: No need of glasses)

But unfortunately, Jeremy's body declined god's powers. He had to stay in a hospital bed for months because of unbearable pain that the raging god "sent on him". After some time, he got used to the pain and daily uses of painkillers, he was back at his duty as a psychologist. His host indentity is hidden to other pacients and personnel.

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