Quote 19#
Andy: Mia lost weight. Aluminum: Lost weight were did she lose it at? Andy: She has lost a quarter of a pound. Mia: (ಠ_ಠ) Aluminum: Go...
Quote 18#
Libreto [to Ayano]: Would you like to stay for dinner? Kouga [internally]: Would you like to stay forever?
Quote 17#
Vincent: you were all raised by angry wasps Sin: what do you mean- Victor: shut up, you don't know me! Vincent: prime example of why i...
Quote 16#
Norden: I have one last request. Please slap me in the face with that wad of cash Toketsu: . . .
Quote 15#
Yami [about Kosachi]: He looks like a legendary fighter. Ushia: looks like a legendary piece of shit.
Quote 14#
Shreyan: I'm such a helpful person Tsukami: *repairing a broken oven* Yeah well can you hand me that wrench over there Shreyan: I'm so...
Quote 13#
Licorice: *walks in* Cinnamon: *sniff* Cinnamon: I smell a b*tch.
Quote 12#
*summoning of the Grand Corrupted Chiméra* GCC: *breaks hand through the ground* rrrRRROOAAARRRGH! WHY ARE THESE FOOLS STILL BREATHING MY...
Quote 11#
Vincent: Why are you squeezing me with your body? Yami: It's a hug, Vince. I'm hugging you.
Quote 10#
Jeremy: Are leaves called leaves because they leave the tree? Tatyana: JUST STOP!